“Bonnie Davis, thank you, thank you, thank you for being a light through the
maze of publishing details and marketing strategy. Not my forte but it is yours!”

– Pam Ellinger Dixon, Ph.D., Author of Hope is On the Way:
How God Reveals a Wellspring of Help on Easter Saturday

Do you feel like your brilliant book idea is locked up tighter than a Wild West bank vault? Or maybe you’ve wrangled that manuscript into shape but it’s sitting on your desk, waiting for its next adventure. Well, par’ner, you’re in luck!

I’m Bonnie Davis, your trail guide through the rugged terrain of non-fiction book publishing and marketing. 📕 📖

You see, back in 1995, I was roped into promoting a book written by my boss and co-authors, and just like my infamous ancestor ol’ Jesse James (yessss, I’m directly related to him! 🤩), I found my calling on the less traveled paths—those lined with books, not bank heists! My passion for books took me to the Savannah Book Fair in 2010, where I rubbed elbows with authors, agents, and publishers, and I’ve been a regular there ever since.

Here’s what I and my posse of publishing pros can do for you:

  • From brainstorming new ideas to final edits, we’ll help you lasso your thoughts into a well-structured book.
  • Design and Layout: Yes, that includes crafting a cover that’s as eye-catching as a pretty autumn sunset.
  • Self-publishing? I got it handled. Or going the traditional way with market publishers? My team knows every detail there is to know!
  • If you need help with your book(s) regularly then call on me to talk about my being your very own book wrangler on a monthly retainer!
  • Need a book launch marketing plan and someone to guide you through it? Giddy up pony and send me an email so we can address your needs.

Why choose to ride with me?

  • Experienced Trail Guides: My team isn’t new to this rodeo. We’re seasoned experts committed to your success.
  • Comprehensive Services: We’re a one-stop corral for all your publishing needs, from creating to promoting your book.
  • Every author is unique and different. I customize each project to fit you and your book, ensuring we target your ideal reader from the get-go.

“All authors have just one thing in common: they’re all different.”

~~ Bonnie Jo Davis.

Ready to bring that book of yours to the masses? Shoot me an email about your book at bonnie@davisvirtualassistance.com. Share a snippet of your story—I’m (and my kitty is) all ears! If you’d like to schedule an appointment to discuss your non-fiction book (no memoirs please) use the button below.

Together, we’ll blaze a trail straight to your readers’ hearts. 🔥 ❤️

Let’s make some book magic happen together!

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