What To Do After You Have Been a Podcast Guest

Being a podcast guest can be an exciting opportunity to share your expertise, promote your brand or business, and connect with a new audience. Once the episode is recorded and released, your work doesn’t end there. In fact, what you do after being a podcast guest is just as important as the interview itself. Here are some essential steps to take after you’ve been a podcast guest to maximize the impact of your appearance:

  1. Express gratitude: Take the time to thank the podcast host for having you as a guest. Send a personalized email expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to share your insights and be part of their show. This gesture not only shows good manners but also helps foster a positive relationship with the host, which could lead to future collaborations.
  2. Share the episode: Utilize your social media platforms, website, and email newsletter to promote the podcast episode. Share the episode link, along with a brief description and any relevant highlights or key takeaways. This will help extend the reach of the podcast and drive more listeners to the episode. Don’t forget to tag the podcast host and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility.
  3. Create social media content: Leverage your appearance on the podcast to create engaging social media content. Pull out interesting quotes, statistics, or anecdotes from the episode and turn them into graphics, videos, or text-based posts. This not only provides valuable content for your audience but also encourages them to listen to the full episode.
  4. Update your online platforms: Ensure that your website, blog, and social media profiles reflect your recent podcast appearance. Add the podcast logo or a link to the episode on your website’s “Media” or “Press” page. Update your bio on social media to include your role as a podcast guest and a link to the episode. These small tweaks can enhance your credibility and make it easier for interested listeners to find and connect with you.
  5. Reach out to your network: Let your network know about your podcast appearance. Share the episode with colleagues, clients, friends, and industry peers who might find it interesting or valuable. You can send a personalized email or message explaining the topic and why you believe it would be beneficial for them to listen. Encourage them to share it with their own networks as well.
  6. Repurpose the content: Repurposing the podcast content allows you to reach new audiences and maximize its impact. Consider transcribing the episode and turning it into a blog post or a series of blog posts. You can also use the transcript to create shorter social media posts, infographics, or even an e-book. Repackaging the content in different formats ensures that it can be consumed by people with different preferences.
  7. Follow up with the host: Maintain the connection you established with the podcast host by following up after the episode. Share any positive feedback or comments you received from your audience as a result of the episode. This demonstrates your commitment to collaboration and reinforces the relationship for future opportunities.

Being a podcast guest is a fantastic way to showcase your expertise and expand your reach. By implementing these post-podcast strategies, you can amplify the impact of your appearance, foster relationships with hosts and listeners, and position yourself as a valuable resource within your industry.

© 2023, Davis Virtual Assistance. Please do not reprint without permission.  Bonnie offers podcast booking services and a training package for those that want to book themselves on podcasts. You can contact Bonnie at bonnie@davisvirtualassistance.com.